Miracle Compost (RT) huh? Bet it stinks to high heaven, too!
Country Girl
a friend at the march, just called me to tell me how the march is going.
it's not raining and hasn't rained!!
nearly 3 hours into it, and it is still going.
Miracle Compost (RT) huh? Bet it stinks to high heaven, too!
Country Girl
a friend at the march, just called me to tell me how the march is going.
it's not raining and hasn't rained!!
nearly 3 hours into it, and it is still going.
Dannnnnnnnng! Some of those geezers are like almost a 100 years old! They should be fossilized by now... or at least worm dirt in someone's potted plant. <shakes head>
Anyway... YAY LAMBS! We are so proud of all our wonderful lambs from all around the country(ies)! You are doing a great job.
Country Girl
Very well written and insightful book. I enjoyed reading it.
Country Girl
roll up and get everything from service bags to dog dazers!
I just received a nice little bound pocket diary for 2003 from Circuit Leasing (the company in Michigan that sells used CO cars to rank and file JWs). They addressed their marketing letter: Dear Brother: <I guess they only market to guys and not dolls!>. You can find them on the web site at:
You can also view a nice article about them at:
Sign up and get a free NO BLOOD keyring! The ministerial servant in your family would just love it!
Country Girl
i thought the idea was to help the victims.
will silent lambs change wt policy?
could happen.
Another aspect is that this march, and others like it, the continuing media coverage, etc. will all bring attention to the problem from concerned citizens and alike groups who *are* voters! I *would* like to see Silentlambs raise a petition for the different states for changes in existing laws in non-reporting states, though.
Country Girl
Kelsey wrote:
And Jim, all I am suggesting is that the best way to change the policy is by not engaging the GB directly- our standing with the org gives our voice no credence and the GB all to well knows that the general public has a short memory span and their assets are much greater than silent lambs- the issue should be force by dealing directly with the government. Make it more than just a JW issue. Force the laws and force the change. If the reporting laws are in place nationally and such orgs as silent lambs share all their info with authorities they WT will soon comply due to the sheer cost of defending themselves against prsecution in courts.
King forced changes through Washington. The founder of Americas Most Wanted TV show lobbied Washington and got changes. If many states DO NOT have these reporting laws the WT can much easier defend themselves against suits. Marching on the Society will not bring a lasting, effective change like bringing our lawmakers into it would.
i'm sure everyone else is excited about the silentlambs march and hope that all those taking part have a trouble free journey, some good weather for it (that's the 'brit' in me talking) and most of all enjoy meeting up and doing something so positive.
we would love to have been there but unfortunately things didn't work out but we will be there in spirit like a great many others.
the march will really mark a turning point in jw history as for the first time the victims are not just lone voices fighting on their own but thanks largely to bill they now have some fantastic support, are much more organised and effective and have accomplished things and continue to deliver a clear message to the media which is being heard around the world.
Good luck to you all tomorrow. We're rootin for you.
Country Girl
Edited by - country girl on 26 September 2002 10:46:49
full copies of the evidence for the case against iraq only published today for the first time are available from number 10 downing street http://www.pm.gov.uk.
the ministry of defence http://www.mod.uk.
I have to agree. TRUE democracy does *not* exist in this country. People who are AGAINST the censoring of ideas, thoughts, suggestions, are STIFLED in this country. By the press, by the courts, etc. If I say the n-word ... I am immediately thought of as a low-life, politically incorrect, red-neck. Black people can say the n-word in a conversation with another black person, but let a WHITE person say it, and they're shot to hell. They can say the word "cracker" and "white-boy" and it's thought of as funny and kind of charming. Why is that? Cracker is a derogtory term to white people, yet most people just blow it off. Why is this? Has our country gone crazy with political correctness? Why is it that a black person can call me a "cracker" and I am supposed to think it is funny.. but when I bring up the n-word I'm thought of as a racist? Why can people bring up the term "white trash" for people thta are less rich than they are and that is acceptable? The point that I am trying to prove is: we all have different situations, and different circumstancs... and NO ONE should sit in judgment of other people. YOu haven't been there, done that. We don't have to talk about our colors.. or our material circumstances.. we are always under the judtment of our God. In his eyes we are all equal.
Country Girl
full copies of the evidence for the case against iraq only published today for the first time are available from number 10 downing street http://www.pm.gov.uk.
the ministry of defence http://www.mod.uk.
War drives the economy up. It's been a proven strategy in ANY COUNTRY.. in ANY WAR that war is the thing that makes the economy good. He (Bush) is not doing anything different than any other leader of any other country. When the economy is down everything gets kinda hum-ho.... so LET'S DECLARE A WAR. War causes everyone to go into paranoid mode.. and to do everything to support the war. We start beefing up our defense costs, start beefing up our armies, etc. It's really a money-making scheme. I, as an American, do NOT want to go to war, since it would mean losing my one and only male child. I don't want to go to war because it means that my taxes will be raised. Bush is driving us into a really bad place. He will be raising taxes in the next year or two to support a war that has no known end. Al Quaida is all over the world. We can't stop them. There are thousands of them. All we can do is stop it locally.. which means closing up our borders and protecting ourselves. How did we get involved in this? Most Americans are Christians.. we don't want a war with them. Why should we PAY for it? We have enough problems of OUR OWN for our American government to deal with without getting involved in the war of nations that has been going on for a thousand years or more.. My idea is that Bush wants the OIL.
Who appointed the US God? Bush says he wants a democracy in these countries. What?? Is he the appointed leader of the world? I don't think so. These countries have been warring for 1000 years or more. Let them war. Leave us out of it. I think Bush needs to find better ways of dealing with the energy crises than taking over the mandates of another country. Let's investigate solar energy. He does't like those ideas cuz they don't bring him much money. I don't want to be involved in the Middle East conflict. It's too tiring and too depressive.
Country Girl
other than bad press, do you think there will be a good result of the picketing?
This is just a blurb that I heard in one of my classes:
It takes twenty years to introduce an idea.
It takes twenty years for it to infiltrate a culture.
It takes twenty years for it to become accepted and law.
Although I think the Silentlambs' march is going to do a lot of good with getting the word out, more so than it already has, it is going to take a lot more for it to become a REAL ISSUE as opposed to Bush wanting to fight Iraq, or the Palestinian cause in Israel. These headlines are always going to be number one. Not that there isn't hope. These issues, brought up repeatedly, will cause a social change. People aren't just going to stand around anymore while young children are abused. I am just saying it is going to take TIME. It is up to us to KEEP this in the media spotlight in order for change to be affected.
I believe that *all* people should be afforded the right of political, social, religious, etc. choice, but with that comes responsibilities, to protect our children. I think religious freedom is a glorious freedom and we should all be afforded that.. UNLESS it affects the lives of children, who are *also* guaranteed the right of freedom and its adjunct pursuit of happiness. No molested child is happy. If they were, we wouldn't be here. It is up to us to keep this in the light of truth.. and to pursue it with vigor. In that way, it will become the law of the land. Did anyone ever notice that the US didn't adopt the Internation Children's Rights Bill of the UN? Hmmm.. I wonder why. I know, as a country, that we don't want religion to cross with government. But aren't they two avenues to the same lane? We want people to be moral. We want people to obey the law. If you are moral, you obey the law. We have to MAKE a law that will make people be moral. Isn't that sad? We, as a country, have to take this religion by the horns and say: YOUR law is in conflict with moral ethics. You don't BELIEVE that you should have to report a child molester. WE, as a country, believe that you SHOULD because WE as a people believe that this is moral and correct. Isn't it a sorry statement on JW's that they don't report unless they HAVE TO? It's sad that we have to regulate morals.
It occurs to me that ANYONE in their right minds would call the law when faced with a dilemma of a young child reporting abuse. Wouldn't YOU do that? I would. Why don't they? Because they seem to be more concerned with the shame that it will bring on them as a congregation. I have one question to ask: WHAT SHAME? Why is it a SHAME that you are reporting to the law enforcement? Isn't it a BETTER statement to make that you are reporting it than shaming it into silence? WHY would it seem to them that it was a bad thing for them to report it to the cops? You know why.. because they want to be known as "the happiest people on Earth" and they don't want any tarnish to that image.
This will just pass as another march to them. They're used to it. They'll brand it as an annoyance for one day, and just shuck it off as persecution. But remember.. with every little press conference we do.. we'll be changing the way Society thinks of them.. so keep that in mind. It's not a big block coming off... just a chip. But every chip counts.
Country Girl
i turned 56 this last birthday but i still remember skippy -- he has been in doggy heaven so i believe for 40 years.
he came to live with us as a wiggly puppy newly weaned of 6 weeks old and linda was only 4-1/2 human years old..he was a cute fox terrier and like i said he was my friend my best friend till he passed away at 12 yrs old and i was a senior in high school..i sat with him just him and i holding his dear sweet paw in my human hand -- until he drew his last breathe hard to catch one at that as he had pneumonia..he was there 4 me always---he was there when i got home from school except 4 times he got out of the yard and made his rounds visiting all his girl dog friends but he made up for it cuz on the weekends he definately was there when i got back from going out in that forced door to door group activity there wa no one in the b.s.
group i was thrilled to be with except one little girl 9 years younger named donna f. i liked playing with her and sometimes got invited over to their house and/or out to eat by her mom pat..donna was dfd when she was 16 and now 38 yrs later she is still dfd and we are still in touch..i always was jealous of skippy he did not have to go to meetings / assemblies or out in door to door with the group..i would have loved to spend all those hours with my dog and my best friend skippy.. when i do my booklet i will tell much more about skippy--this is just to wet your interest and want a copy of it...and until then (((((((((healing hugs))))))) queenie
I had a dog like this in real life. I remember the story of "My Dog Skip" as told by Morris in the book of the same name.. and the movie. His name was "black dog." Real creative name, right? He was a black Labrador. Ever since I had him, I have *always* loved Labradors. They are just so.. so... loving. I was driving through a new subdivision near my house to check out the houses, and he just tumbled into the road. I jammed on my brakes and got out to see if I hit him. He was just laying there and when he saw me he immediately got up and started licking my shoe. There was no houses around, so I just picked him up and took him home. He caused lots of problems between my husband and I because my husband doesn't like dogs. But I liked the little feller. I put a note on the bulletin board at the store down the street, but no takers. He had a cropped tail, so it was certain that he had a human that at one time he was bonded to, where veterinary intervention was used. He ate up the wires under my new truck; he laid in my flower beds and dug holes in my garden. Never a day went by when there wasn't a new destruction by Black Dog. Wires eaten, pipes busted, whatever. My husband was very upset when he did all those bad things.. but I just continued to get more and more mesmerized by him as time went on. He LOVED to swim, so he would run around the haystacks, bark at the horses, nip at a few of their heels, and then just HURL himself into the stock pond. His joy was so oblivious and so full of abandon that one could not HELP but being inspired by it. I took pictures of him, constantly. He was just so beautiful in his unfettered joie d'vivre. He had a love for life that has never been matched. I wish I could have captured his spirit and lived it with him. I got to live through it vicariously.
I went on vacation with my son for one week, leaving husband to feed him. My husband said he was around the house sulking when my son and I were gone. On the last day before the end of our vacation he turned up missing. I put out flyers everywhere, and never found my canine friend. I wonder whatever happened to him. I miss him still. I think about him all the time, and that little spot in my life where I viewed the world through *his* eyes.
Country Girl